You can use our software Contenta Converter PREMIUM to convert thousands of JPG to black and white.
Click on the Add Photos button and select from your computer the JPG photos you wish to convert to black and white. Then click the ‘Next’ button.
Go the Advanced tab and select Add Effect/Annotation->Color Processing->Black and White. You can now preview your black and white photos. You can choose to simulate various films:Agfa 200X, Agfapan 25/100/400, Ilford Delta and more... Click Start! and your JPG photos will soon be converted to black and white.
Format |
Company |
Joint Photographic Experts Group |
Description |
Nearly all digital cameras have the option to save images in JPEG format. The JPEG format supports 8 bits per color (red, green, and blue) and produces relatively small file sizes. The compression when not too severe does not detract noticeably from the image. But JPEG files can suffer generational degradation when repeatedly edited and saved. Photographic images may be better stored in a lossless non-JPEG format if they will be re-edited in future, or if the presence of small 'artifacts' is unacceptable. It is however the best format for internet publishing in most cases. |
Benefits |
Small file size, high popularity |
Drawbacks |
Loss in quality |
Cameras |
A small, well built camera that delivers great quality photos. It is ergonomically designed and is comfortable to use. More information at Sony NEX-5 official page.
Megapixels | 14.20 | Aperture | Varies with lens | Focal length (35mm equiv.) | 1.5x Multiplier | ISO | Auto, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800 | Year | 2010 |
Metadata |
Handles XMP, EXIF or IPTC |